Are you a company, organization, or person holding a masquerade ball to raise funds for your chosen charity?
Masked balls are a good way to raise funds and an excellent excuse to have a good night out and by partnering with us you can raise extra funds
There are thousands of registered charities in the UK and raising funds and income is one of the biggest challenges they face today. Just Posh Masks aims to help charities achieve extra funds when they’re holding a masked ball. By partnering with us, charities can receive 20% of the sale price their guests spend on their masks for the event.
Contact us with details of the Ball, when it is, where it is being held, the date, and the Charity you are raising money for and we will issue you with a unique code. Every time this code is entered at the checkout it will trigger a donation of 20% of the sale price (excluding VAT) to the Charity.
The buyer doesn’t receive a discount but they will know part of their purchase has gone to the charity they are supporting.
One week after the event we will pull a report from our website back office and send it to you with a list of orders, order number, date of order and amount spent (Under Data Protection we cannot provide names and addresses of buyers) together with a cheque for 20% of all orders placed using your unique code
We make no stipulation about you promoting this code, however, in our experience guiding Ball goers to the “Best place to buy a mask” results in more uses of the code and thus more money raised for your Charity
For maximum results to get your unique code used we suggest a link, with your code, on the detail page of the masked ball, or spread the word by email and social media, or put our details on your tickets and promotional material. Like we have said, this is not a stipulation for getting a code, just a suggestion to maximise funds raised
Whether you are a Charity holding a Ball, or a person going to a masked ball in aid of Charity, please contact us for further information and we will be happy to assist you in your fund raising
Email: masks@justposhmasks.com for further information or complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible