Sweet 16 and Prom Masks


Masquerade themes are increasingly popular for sweet 16 parties and high school proms. With this in mind, we’ve brought together a dazzling selection of masks that are just perfect for either event. Whether your thing is feathers and glitter, or black tie elegance, you’re sue to find the perfect prom mask here.

The concept of Sweet Sixteen parties and school proms both originated from America and have become a big hit in the UK, which is why at Just Posh Masks, we have a beautiful collection of masquerade masks that are perfect for these types of occasions. Sweet Sixteen When a girl turns sixteen this marks a new chapter in her life, where she is venturing into early adulthood, and for many teenage girls this is a significant moment, so it’s important to mark the occasion suitably. This is where a ‘Sweet Sixteen’ masquerade party can be the ideal party theme. It will allow your daughter and her friends to indulge their fun and creative sides, whilst at the same time feeling grown up too. With our selection of Sweet Sixteen masquerade masks your daughter can decide whether to wow with a mask with elaborate detailing and feathers like the Semplice Gold or let her dress take centre stage and have the mask as a coordinated accessory. Either way, they will still have a wonderful keepsake from this momentous occasions. School Proms School Proms are now the norm in the UK, with most schools hosting a formal party to celebrate the end of term. As you can imagine as a teenager, these types of occasions are a big deal and you will always want to look your best. If your school prom is masquerade themed, then Just Posh Masks have plenty of gorgeous masks to make you the king or queen of the ball. Whether you go for elaborate designs like the Filigree Metal Swan Lace Leda mask or plain and simple with a Larga Scacchi Colombina mask, is entirely up to you. Take a look at all our styles on offer and you’re sure to find the perfect masquerade mask for your Sweet Sixteen or School Prom.
Losanga Gold – Harlequin Masquerade Masks for Men | Available in Red or Black
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